Why Online coaching ?

WHy evolve online coaching actually works

THIS ISN’T A COOKIE-CUTTER Training PLAN OR tons of protein powder or supplements, AND i’m NOT one of those Coaches WHO WILL just give you crazy cardio and keep lowering your macros.


Services i offer







Our approach to nutrition is tailored to your life. We work together to help you come up with plan(s) that are manageable, realistic and sustainable.

Whether it’s an initial meal plan, flexible food goals, or anything in between, it will all be based around foods that you love and already eat on a daily basis. You’re not “going on a diet”, you already HAVE a diet, we just need to make it work for you.

I can guarantee you that you won’t have to give up any of the things that you love. In fact, I’ll be encouraging you to eat them on a daily basis. That’s how we’ll achieve Full Food Freedom.


Setting goals is one thing. But it’s a whole different ball game when you find yourself in a place where you actually enjoy exercising.

For me, the perfect training program is the right balance of things that you love, and things that you need. The training plan should be tailored to your genetic and how your body reacts to certain exercise.

Its not 1 size fit all. Everyone have different goals and bodyparts to improve.


I can’t emphasise enough what a powerful tool a mindset is, especially if you want to be successful in business. Having said that, this isn’t just about thinking positively and visualising what you want to happen – although I will teach you how to do that.

This is more about becoming aware of how your own mind works so that you can get yourself in the right place at the right time when it counts. It’s about understanding why some people are consistently building success after success, while others give up before they even start.


Support is an integral part of this service. Any time you're ready for that difficult conversation, or need a nudge on progress, I'm here for you. Accountability is essential to this process and having someone who can point out the areas in your life that may need extra attention is crucial.

The weekly in-depth progress checks, access to a daily support group and Zoom review calls will ensure that you are supported throughout your journey.


Education, is something that I definitely take seriously. Anybody can follow a cookie cutter plan for a few weeks. If you’re looking to make lasting change, you’re going to want to get some education.

This is what we run year round :

  • Weekly Q&A ( ONLINE )

  • Monthly Lecture & Course ( ONLINE )

  • Quarterly Success Clients Interview ( ONLINE )

  • Half Year Event LIVE Meeting ( OFFLINE )

  • Annual Dinner Moving forward plan ( OFFLINE )

Knowledge is power, and all that jazz! For me personally, education isn’t just about the “what”, but also the “why” and the “how”. I make sure to take the time with each and every one of my clients to teach you everything you need to continue to life a healthy and happy lifestyle even after we finish working together.

A life worth evolving...

We know that it's not always easy to change your habits. That's why we're here! Our coaches will work with you one-on-one to create a plan that works for you. We'll help you find what works best for your lifestyle, and be there every step of the way untill you reach your ultimate physique.

Is this coaching for you?

My coaching is for you

✓ Committed to training but isn’t seeing any progress

✓ If you implement action step fast

✓ If you want to achieve life-changing results

✓ If you want evolve your mindset & physique

✓ If you have trouble sticking to a training and nutrition plan

If you are willing to commit to a program

✓ If you want to unleash your inner self and live life on your terms

My coaching isn’t for you

✖ If you are after a quick fix

✖ If you are going to make excuses for yourself

✖ Think you know best & not willing to lead with an open mind

✖ If you are happy to stay the same

✖ If you are not willing to commit

✖ Not open to changing their training, nutrition, or lifestyle habits.

I want to start on my journey today!

Here’s How To Get Started

Step 1

Fill out the contact form. I will get back to you in 24 hours.

Step 2

Pick a date and time for a 30 minute consultation call where we will get to know each other better & discuss your current goals.

Step 3

We will discuss the steps you need to take in order to achieve the results you are wanting.

Step 4

Achieve life-changing results


I’ve came this far. It’ll be a long journey till the official show day I know. My greatest achievement along your guidance is I FINALLY RECOVER FROM BINGE EATING DISORDERS.

Didn’t know that eating so much food can give me so much strength and stabilise my appetite. Although halfway food poisoning kinda pulled me back a little but we’ll come back even stronger! To be honest my weigh increases from 56kg to 58kg. But overall my waist still maintained at 26 inches despite weight gain. Back is getting stronger, same goes to my glutes and hamstrings!

yvonne cheah

accountable coach with knowing in and out about your body with Customised plan for client to do the right things at the right time.

many coaches will only feed you supplements and zero daily check in. He cares about my mindset also my physique changes. He will take his time to explain everything to you. ive learn to ask a lot questions ever since then. Learning more and more daily.

I have my weekly 30 sushi cheat meal every Saturday night sometimes 60 sushi cheat meal. And he doesn’t give formula, it’s all by customization according to personal needs.

no one size fits all in terms of training and diet.

aren lai

Munloong and team evolve is like a family like non other. Been going to the gym for years wanting to get a nice physique, without knowing the right technique, skills and diet, I've stay almost the same shape for a long time. After joining TEAMEVOLVE, I've seen tremendous result in my body and my mind. Stuff that munloong and the team shared are priceless. He taught me that if you put in 100% Effort , result will not lie to you, your weekly check in will not lie.

With proper guidance, I've seen result on a weekly basis, with proof. Tell him honestly what issue you are facing, he will try his best to help you solve it. How I was I join his team 5 years earlier. 😍 But it's ok, I shall improve together with the team, aim for higher goal!!! 💪🏽

damon lee


If you’re looking to get rid of that Dadbod for good? Then take a look at what some of our team have achieved this year.